Updates from the Western Caucus Foundation

delivered to you every Friday.

Meet the New CWC Members

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAICYMI: WCF 118TH CONGRESS REPORTLast month we proudly presented our 118th Congress Wrap-Up Report detailing Western Caucus Foundation’s activity in 2023 & 2024.  In this report you will find a...

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Welcoming the 119th Congress

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICA CONGRESSIONAL WESTERN CAUCUS LEADERSHIP TRANSITIONWestern Caucus Chairman Doug LaMalfa (CA-01) and Chairman Emeritus Dan Newhouse (WA-04) spoke on their experience being part of the Western Caucus...

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End of Year Policy Victory!

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICA WINTER FIELD TOUR PANELS NOW AVAILABLE The Western Caucus Foundation’s Winter Field Tour and Policy Roundtable video content is now available on YouTube. As part of the trip, we held a panel on...

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Viva Western Caucus – Vegas Field Tour

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAVIVA WESTERN CAUCUS - VEGAS FIELD TOURThe Western Caucus Foundation was proud to host our annual Winter Field Tour and Policy Roundtable from December 5-7. As part of the trip, we held a panel on...

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Second Western Caucus College Cohort

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAWESTERN CAUCUS COLLEGE This week the second cohort of the Western Caucus college completed their first half of the program. The group gained an in-depth overview of NEPA on Wednesday the Endangered...

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Free National Park Access for Gold Star Families


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National Clean Energy Week 2024

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICA NATIONAL CLEAN ENERGY WEEK As we celebrate National Clean Energy Week, we are reminded of the tremendous strides the United States of America has made in reducing emissions and we celebrate...

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WCF Boise Field Tour

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICABOISE FIELD TOURThe Western Caucus Foundation is proud to have brought more than 100 members of Congress, Foundation stakeholders, and Congressional staffers to Boise, ID for our Fire, Food and...

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Communications Staff Mixer

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICACOMMUNICATIONS STAFF MIXERThe Western Caucus Foundation hosted its first ever Communications Staff Mixer to network and thank House and Senate Western Caucus communicators for the work they do to...

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WCF Wyoming Field Tour

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAWYOMING FIELD TOUR & POLICY MEETINGThe Western Caucus Foundation is proud to have brought Western Caucus Members, staff, and stakeholders together in Jackson, WY, to discuss issues impacting...

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We’re Celebrating! Senate ENR Win

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAPASSED: ENERGY PERMITTING REFORM ACTThe Senate recently passed the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 with overwhelming bipartisan support. The bill was introduced by Ranking Member and Senate...

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House Appropriations Victory

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICACONGRESSIONAL WESTERN CAUCUS IN MONTANA FOR PUBLIC LANDS FIELD TOURCongressional Western Caucus Vice Chair Ryan Zinke (MT-01) hosted Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04) and seven other Congressmen in the...

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NOLA Field Tour Highlights

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICANEW ORLEANS ENERGY & CONSERVATION FIELD TOURThe Western Caucus Foundation was proud to host more than 70 Western Caucus members, staff, and stakeholders for a field tour in New Orleans where...

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You didn’t know this about Bald Eagles…


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Honoring Memorial Day

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAFARM BILL HIGHLIGHTS FROM WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERSSpirits are still high from last week’s passage of the 2024 Farm, Food, and National Security Act, commonly known as the Farm Bill. In a time when...

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Telly Awards | Farm Bill Passed

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICA"CHAMPIONS OF RURAL AMERICA" WINS TWO TELLY AWARDSOn May 21, 2024, the fifth episode of the T.V. show “Champions of Rural America” co-produced by RFD-TV and the Western Caucus Foundation won two...

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Congressional Western Caucus in Bakersfield

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICACONGRESSIONAL WESTERN CAUCUS FIELD TOUR - BAKERSFIELD, CAMembers of the Congressional Western Caucus visited Bakersfield, CA to learn about agriculture, food production, water infrastructure, and...

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Ag on the Mall

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAAG ON THE MALLMembers of the Western Caucus attended an agriculture event on the National Mall this past Tuesday where they learned about farm technology and advancements made to help those in the...

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Lake Tahoe Field Tour

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICALAKE TAHOE FIELD TOURLast week members of the Western Caucus, staff, and supporters participated in the Lake Tahoe Field Tour & Policy Discussion in South Lake Tahoe, CA/NV. Industry leaders...

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Another Federal Land Grab…

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAA NEW BLM RULE - ANOTHER FEDERAL LAND GRAB The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has a new rule, and it’s bad for rural America. The Conservation and Landscape Health final rule will destroy the...

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Explore Act Passes the House

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICABIPARTISAN EXPLORE ACT PASSES THE HOUSEThe Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences (EXPLORE) Act passed the House earlier this week. Introduced by House Natural Resources (HNR)...

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Visiting Rural America in Recess

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICANEW EPISODE OF "CHAMPIONS OF RURAL AMERICA"The 6th Episode of “Champions of Rural America” produced by the Western Caucus Foundation aired on RFD-TV on Monday night and is now available on YouTube....

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Energy Week

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAFARM BILL HIGHLIGHTS FROM WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERSYesterday, the House of Representatives passed three items sponsored by Western Caucus Members: Res. 987 sponsored by Western Caucus Chairman Rep....

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Amendments to Improve Western and Rural America

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICACHAMPIONS OF RURAL AMERICA - EPISODE 6RFD-TV flew in this week to film the sixth episode of “Champions of Rural America,” produced by the Western Caucus Foundation. This episode will feature...

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America’s Wildlife Conservation Act

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICACHAMPIONS OF RURAL AMERICA: BORDER EPISODEThe 5th episode of our T.V. show, “Champions of Rural America,” is now available on YouTube. This episode features the recent Western Caucus Field Tour to...

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Western Caucus College | CoRA Border Episode

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICACHAMPIONS OF RURAL AMERICA: BORDER EPISODE The 5th episode of our T.V. show, “Champions of Rural America,” is now available on YouTube. This episode features the recent Western Caucus Field Tour to...

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American Mining Victory

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICADIGITAL CONNECT ON LNGWCF hosted last week’s DC Digital Connect on the Benefits of Natural Gas Energy and LNG Exports. We’d like to thank Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04), Rep. Buddy Carter (GA-01),...

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Energy Crises | ESA Action

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAENERGY CRISISIn a recently published resolution, Congressional Western Caucus Chair Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA-04) lists multiple instances of the White House’s anti-American energy mania. Read Rep....

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This is NOT Good for LNG…

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAEPISODE 4: CHAMPIONS OF RURAL AMERICAThe fourth episode of Champions of Rural America, our TV show airing on RFD-TV, is out! Learn about the battle against rodeo bans, efficient water allocation...

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Protecting Western and Rural Land

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAFARM BILL HIGHLIGHTS FROM WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERSWe have a huge Western Caucus victory to share! On Wednesday, January 17th, Senate Western Caucus Chair Cynthia Lummis (WY) and Congressional Western...

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Another Year, Another Policy Battle

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAANOTHER YEAR, ANOTHER POLICY BATTLEWelcome to 2024! We hope you all had a lovely holiday season and are adjusting well to the new year. WCF is hitting the ground running with events, and we hope to...

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Vegas Field Tour | New WCF ESA Report

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAVEGAS FIELD TOURThe Western Caucus Foundation hosted its 9th annual Field Tour and Roundtable during the National Finals Rodeo earlier this month. Nearly 200 friends of the Western Caucus were in...

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Seriously, a Dirt Tax?

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICASeriously, a Dirt Tax?Yep. That’s right. The Interagency Working Group (IWG) wants to add a dirt tax to mining leases for both public and private lands. Even if you want to move your own dirt, you...

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VICTORY: Interior Appropriations Bill

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAFARM BILL HIGHLIGHTS FROM WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERSThe Western Caucus is making stellar moves in D.C. The passage of the new Interior Appropriations Bill is a true compilation of several victories for...

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Rodeos Are Under Attack

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICARODEOS ARE UNDER ATTACKThe Western way of life is under a direct attack. Radical animal right activists in the city of Los Angeles want to ban rodeos, and they’re making significant headway. If...

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Watch our New Show for Free!

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAINTRODUCING CHAMPIONS OF RURAL AMERICAGood news! Champions of Rural America is now accessible through the Western Caucus Foundation’s YouTube channel! We have a new landing page for the show where...

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We’re Growing on Socials!

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAFARM BILL HIGHLIGHTS FROM WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERSThe Foundation is growing on social media too - especially on Instagram. In my time here, we’ve earned over 730,000 views on Instagram Reels and...

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Fat Bear Week 2023

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAFARM BILL HIGHLIGHTS FROM WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERSOctober 4-10 marks Fat Bear Week – a time to celebrate and raise awareness about the remarkable physical transformations that the brown bears in...

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Celebrating 30 Years of the Western Caucus

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICA30TH ANNIVERSARY GALAThe premier caucus in Congress representing Western and Rural America celebrated its 30-year anniversary at a Gala Warner Theater on Tuesday, September 19. The Western Caucus...

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Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAWESTERN CAUCUS REACTS TO THE ANWR DECISIONCongressional Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse (WA-04) and Congresswoman Mary Peltola (AK at-large) expressed disappointment at the Biden...

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Premiere of Champions of Rural America

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAChampions of Rural America - CoRA ClipCongressional Western Caucus Chairman Rep. Dan Newhouse and Senate Western Caucus Chairwoman Cynthia Lummis Interviewed with RDF-TV’s Christina Loren during...

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Yosemite Field Tour Recap

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAON THE GROUND IN YOSEMITEThe Western Caucus Foundation was proud to bring around 130 Western Caucus members, staffers and stakeholders to Yosemite National Park for a Policy Roundtable and Field...

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We’re talking about Gas Stoves Again…?

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAWE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE GAS STOVE BAN AGAIN?Even after two Western Caucus member-sponsored bills were passed to protect your gas stoves, Bureaucrats in Washington, DC are still trying to come after...

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WC Members in Arizona

WEEKLY UPDATE ON WESTERN CAUCUS MEMBERS TAKING ACTION FOR RURAL AMERICAESA WORKING GROUP The Congressional Western Caucus and the House Natural Resources Committee has created the Endangered Species Act Working Group as a joint effort to recommend policy solutions to...

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